
世贸人才网 2013-07-30 17:54:32   
 国际贸易 发展到今天,可以说是无孔不入。怎么才能和老外做好生意呢?看看下面这位成功者和我们分享的秘诀吧!

  I’d like to give some advice on successful negotiation with foreign businessmen.

  First, language is very important. Today English is the international

  language of business and trade. Therefore, having a basic knowledge of

  business and trade terminology in English is helpful in actual business


  Second, understanding other cultures is also important. We should be

  aware of different styles of communication according to different cultures.

  We should not impose our values and norms upon other people, but give due

  respect for cultural differences.

  Third, straightforwardness is important, too. Indirect communication is

  often considered as dishonest and tactical. Straightforward communication

  will serve as a useful basis of successful business transactions.


